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Australian Winter Pool Maintenance

Charlotte Baillie • Apr 19, 2024

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We're fortunate to experience Australia's relatively mild winters, making pool maintenance during the colder months far less daunting than in other parts of the world. Here's the good news: with an effective pool heat pump from Coastline Pools, you can continue to enjoy your swimming season all year round without the need to shut down your pool for winter!

Key Winter Maintenance Tips from Coastline Pools

Continued Maintenance: After winterising your pool, it's important to keep up with regular upkeep. This includes lighter tasks that are crucial during winter such as skimming leaves and debris, emptying skimmer baskets, scrubbing pool surfaces, and testing and balancing the water. These efforts ensure your pool remains in prime condition throughout the winter months.

Use a Pool Cover: Utilizing a pool cover is essential during the winter. Not only does it protect your pool from falling leaves and debris, but it also reduces the need for frequent chemical balancing. If you don't yet have one, Coastline Pools can assist you in finding the perfect pool cover to fit your needs. Check out our ultimate guide on pool covers for more detailed information!

Apply Algaecide: To minimize maintenance lapses, using a long-lasting algaecide is one of the best strategies for winter pool care. Even if chlorine levels dip, algaecide keeps algae at bay, saving you from potential green water issues when reopening your pool. It's a simple step that can forgive the occasional maintenance skip over the cooler months.

What to Avoid in Winter Pool Care

Never Drain Your Pool: Draining your pool might seem like a straightforward reset for spring, but it's actually harmful. Draining can lead to severe damage depending on the construction and materials of your pool. The exposure of the pool's surface can cause pitting, corrosion, and other types of damage that wouldn't occur if the pool remained filled.

Maintain Water Filtration: It's crucial to run your pool's pump daily throughout the winter to ensure proper water filtration and circulation. This prevents algae from flourishing, which can happen regardless of whether the pool is actively used.

At Coastline Pools, we're here to help you keep your pool in top shape for winter and beyond. With our expert advice and high-quality products, maintaining your pool during the colder months has never been easier. Let us help you extend your swimming season and enjoy a pristine pool all year round!

By Charlotte Baillie 19 Apr, 2024
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07 Apr, 2024
Have you noticed your pool water slowly turning cloudy? Or did you wake up to the change overnight? Either way, it’s not something you should ignore! Not only is it ugly to look at, it can also mean that your pool water is unsafe to swim in. And like clouds on a sunny day, a cloudy pool will put a dampener on your poolside fun! Cloudy pool water can be the result of a variety of factors. So, before you waste any time and money on treating it, you need to determine the cause of your cloudy pool. Sanitiser stealers Organic things you can see, like leaves and dust, and things you can’t see, like minuscule organic matter, are constantly entering your pool water. These contaminants cause your sanitiser to work in overdrive to remove them. Your sanitiser’s primary role is to kill bacteria not remove organic matter, so it will be working inefficiently no matter how much you keep adding! If your sanitiser is spending more time attacking contaminants than killing bacteria, your pool can turn cloudy and be unsafe to swim in. Equally, people who swim in your pool put a strain on your sanitiser. They add contaminants to your water such as natural oils, sunscreen and even makeup! Use BioGuard Pool Tonic to remove these kinds of unwanted pollutants and to help clarify your water. Likewise, if your water has an algae problem, it will chew through your sanitiser. A dose of BioGuard MSA Extreme will get an algae bloom under control and help to clear up your pool water. Finally, the sun is another sanitiser stealer! The sun’s UV rays cause chlorine to breakdown, affecting the sanitiser levels in your water, leading to bacteria growth. Use BioGuard Stabiliser to prevent chlorine loss due to sunlight and to maintain healthy water. Filtration System Your pool’s filtration system and sanitiser work together to remove contaminants from your water and keep it healthy. The filtration system works to remove the majority of small debris from your water, while your sanitiser works to kill any bacteria. A clogged filter, faulty pump, or not running your filtration system for at least eight hours a day, results in the small debris floating in the pool unable to be trapped by the filter. This then leads to cloudy pool water. For this reason, you need to regularly service and maintain your filtration system to keep it in good working condition. As part of this routine, clean your filter. BioGuard Filter Brite will restore the efficiency of your filter by removing scale and rust deposits, greases, oils and organic wastes, while sanitising the filter media or cartridge, keeping your water crystal clear. Your filter should be cleaned every 6 months. Balanced water Like most things in life, the secret to success is balance – and this rings true for your pool water! If the chemical balance in your pool water has gone awry, then it will quickly become cloudy! It won’t stop there – imbalanced water can lead to corrosion of your pool equipment and staining on your pools walls and floor. Testing your water will tell you if your water is healthy. You should aim to test your water once a week using an at-home kit to ensure your family is swimming in safe and healthy water. We also recommend getting your water tested professionally at least once a month by Coastline Pools, your local BioGuard Approved Retailer , who has the latest, state-of-the-art water testing equipment and software. They can then provide you with a step-by-step maintenance program to correct any imbalances. Above all, you want to make sure your pH is sitting between 7.2 – 7.6, and the sanitiser level is between 1 – 3 ppm (parts per million). If not, you will need to adjust these levels. If the cloudy water is due to a chemical imbalance, doing this should help clear it up. A dose of BioGuard Lite will also help to boost the performance of your sanitiser and help remove any organic waste build-up. By now you’ve probably narrowed down the cause of your cloudy pool water, but do you need to worry about treating it straight away? The answer is yes! As we’ve mentioned, cloudy water can be a sign of all sorts of things, such as high bacteria levels in your water, an underperforming filtration system, unbalanced water or the beginning of an algae bloom. Therefore, cloudy water speaks to bigger issues in your pool and not treating it, can put swimmers at risk. Cloudy water is also considered a drowning hazard because you can’t tell if someone has fallen in the water and is struggling. So, if your pool has turned cloudy, treat it ASAP! Ultimately, the best advice we can give you when it comes to cloudy pool water is to prevent it before it starts. You can do this by following the BioGuard 3 Step Program . For all your 3 Step Program needs, visit Coastline Pools, your local BioGuard Approved Retailer . If you do find yourself on the wrong end of a cloudy pool problem, there are many options to speed up your way to a solution. Super Clear Clarifying Tabs are an easy one tablet dose solution, while Polysheen Plus can be added directly to the water to help the filter remove all the unwanted debris. Pool Tonic is great when you think your cloudiness may be linked to phosphates as it clarifies AND removes phosphates. Pool Complete does this as well and adds a final polishing clarity to the water. So there are many options available to help recover from a cloudy pool, but prevention is always better than cure.
11 Jul, 2023
Let's dive deeper into the topic of chemicals and their importance in maintaining optimal water conditions for your coastline pool during cold weather. Understanding Water Chemistry: Water chemistry plays a crucial role in the overall health and clarity of your pool. Maintaining the right balance of chemicals is essential for preventing algae growth, maintaining water clarity, and ensuring the safety of swimmers. The primary chemical parameters to monitor include: a) pH Levels: The pH level indicates the acidity or alkalinity of your pool water. The ideal range for pool water is typically between 7.2 and 7.8. Cold weather can cause fluctuations in pH levels, so regular testing and adjustments are necessary to prevent issues such as eye and skin irritation and corrosion of pool surfaces or equipment. b) Alkalinity: Total alkalinity refers to the ability of the water to resist changes in pH. The recommended range for alkalinity is usually between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm). Maintaining the proper alkalinity level helps stabilize the pH and prevents rapid pH swings. c) Chlorine: Chlorine is crucial for sanitizing your pool water and eliminating bacteria, viruses, and algae. In cold weather, chlorine consumption may decrease due to reduced bather load and slower algae growth. However, it's still essential to maintain a residual chlorine level of 1-3 ppm to ensure water remains safe and clear. Testing and Adjusting Chemical Levels: Regularly testing your pool water is key to identifying any imbalances and taking corrective measures promptly. Test kits or electronic testers can measure pH, alkalinity, chlorine, and other chemical levels accurately. Here are some tips for testing and adjusting chemical levels: a) Testing Frequency: Test your pool water at least once a week, even during the colder months. Additionally, after heavy rain, snowfall, or significant temperature changes, it's wise to test the water more frequently. b) Chemical Adjustments: Based on the test results, adjust the chemical levels accordingly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and use appropriate pool chemicals to raise or lower pH, alkalinity, or chlorine levels. It's crucial to add chemicals gradually and retest the water after a few hours to ensure the desired levels are achieved. c) Seek Professional Advice: If you are unsure about how to balance the chemicals or encounter persistent issues, consider consulting with a pool professional. They can offer expert guidance and recommend specific products or treatments tailored to your pool's needs. Winter Chemical Treatments: In addition to regular maintenance, specific chemical treatments can be beneficial during the winter months to keep your pool water in optimal condition: a) Algaecides: Although algae growth slows down in cold weather, using an appropriate winter algaecide can prevent any potential growth and help maintain water clarity. Follow the product instructions and dosage recommendations carefully. b) Enzyme Treatments: Enzyme treatments can help break down organic matter and reduce the formation of scum lines or stains caused by leaves and other debris. These treatments work well in conjunction with regular skimming and cleaning. c) Stain and Scale Inhibitors: Chemicals designed to prevent the formation of stains and scale can be particularly useful during colder months. They help protect your pool's surfaces and equipment from mineral buildup caused by temperature fluctuations. Remember, maintaining proper water chemistry is an ongoing process. Regular testing, adjustments, and the use of appropriate chemicals will help ensure your coastline pool's water remains clean, clear, and safe throughout the winter season. By giving attention to these essential aspects, you can enjoy a pristine pool experience year-round, no matter the weather outside.
17 Jun, 2023
Winter in Australia may signal a decrease in pool usage due to cooler temperatures, but it's important not to underestimate the significance of maintaining your pool during this season. Neglecting pool upkeep throughout winter can lead to various issues, such as costly repairs, algae growth, and additional maintenance requirements when summer returns. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why it's crucial to keep your pool well-maintained during the winter months in Australia, and how the assistance of Poolside Coastline can make the process easier. Preserving Water Quality: Regardless of the season, maintaining optimal water quality is a year-round responsibility. Failure to perform regular maintenance can result in algae and bacteria proliferation, turning your pool water green and murky come springtime. Poolside Coastline, a trusted provider of pool maintenance products, offers a range of solutions to help you keep your water clean and balanced throughout winter. From effective water testing kits to high-quality pool chemicals, they have the tools and expertise to assist you in maintaining pristine water quality during the colder months. Preventing Damage and Costly Repairs: Winter weather conditions in Australia, including heavy rainfall, strong winds, and freezing temperatures, pose potential risks to your pool's components if left unattended. Poolside Coastline can provide you with valuable resources to protect your pool from damage and prevent costly repairs. They offer durable pool covers that shield your pool from debris, leaves, and rainwater, minimizing the chances of clogged filters and malfunctioning equipment. By investing in their reliable pool covers and other protective accessories, you can ensure that your pool remains in excellent condition throughout winter. Streamlining Spring Startup: One of the significant advantages of engaging in winter pool maintenance is the simplified process of reopening your pool when warmer weather returns. With the assistance of Poolside Coastline, you can make spring startup a breeze. Their comprehensive pool maintenance supplies include tools for efficiently removing debris, brushes for cleaning surfaces, and top-of-the-line pool vacuum systems. By utilizing their high-quality products during winter, you can reduce the time and effort required to prepare your pool for the swimming season, allowing you to dive in sooner and enjoy the water to the fullest. Protecting Structural Integrity: Neglecting your pool during winter can compromise its structural integrity, leading to damage that can be both costly and time-consuming to repair. Poolside Coastline offers an array of maintenance solutions that safeguard your pool's structure, ensuring its longevity. Their selection includes pool surface protection products and maintenance equipment designed to counter the adverse effects of freezing temperatures. By utilizing these resources, you can shield your pool's surface, tiles, and shell, preserving their integrity and prolonging the life of your pool investment. Promoting Safety: Even though swimming might not be on the agenda during winter, it's crucial to maintain a safe environment around your pool. Poolside Coastline recognizes this importance and provides a range of safety-focused products to meet your needs. From sturdy pool fences and gates to reliable pool alarms, they offer solutions that help protect your loved ones and prevent accidents during the colder months. By ensuring that your pool's safety features are well-maintained throughout winter, you create a secure environment and peace of mind for yourself and your family. As the allure of a sparkling pool may diminish during the winter season, maintaining your pool's upkeep remains a critical responsibility for Australian pool owners. Proper winter maintenance ensures clean and balanced water, prevents costly repairs and structural damage, simplifies spring reopening, and promotes a safe environment. With the assistance of Poolside Coastline, you gain access to a wide range of pool maintenance products tailored to meet your specific needs. By utilising their expertise and high-quality supplies, such as water testing kits, pool chemicals, pool covers, cleaning tools, and safety equipment, you can easily tackle your winter pool maintenance requirements. Poolside Coastline's commitment to providing reliable and effective pool maintenance solutions makes them an ideal partner in your winter pool maintenance routine. Their products are designed to withstand the challenges of winter weather and ensure that your pool remains in optimal condition throughout the colder months. By investing in Poolside Coastline's pool covers, you can protect your pool from leaves, debris, and inclement weather, reducing the risk of clogged filters and equipment damage. Their pool cleaning tools, including brushes and vacuum systems, make it easy to keep your pool surfaces clean and free from dirt and grime. Moreover, their range of pool chemicals helps you maintain proper water chemistry, preventing the growth of algae and bacteria that can thrive in neglected pools during winter. By regularly testing and treating your pool water with their recommended products, you can ensure that your pool water remains crystal clear and safe for use. Additionally, Poolside Coastline offers a selection of safety equipment, such as pool fences, gates, and alarms, to maintain a secure pool environment during the winter months. By installing and properly maintaining these safety features, you can prevent accidents and unauthorised access to your pool area, providing peace of mind for you and your family. In conclusion, while winter may bring a decrease in pool usage, it is vital to prioritise pool maintenance during this season in Australia. With the assistance of Poolside Coastline and their comprehensive range of pool maintenance products, you can easily preserve water quality, prevent damage and costly repairs, streamline the spring startup process, protect the structural integrity of your pool, and promote a safe pool environment. Remember, a well-maintained pool during winter translates into less effort and expense when summer arrives. By partnering with Poolside Coastline, you can ensure that your pool remains a source of enjoyment and relaxation all year round. So, embrace the importance of winter pool maintenance and take advantage of Poolside Coastline's expertise to keep your pool in top shape throughout the colder months.
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